
Create a List of Competitor YouTube Channels to Target

Act as a Google Ads Specialist with 20 years of experience. My client sells and manufacturers Natural Light beer. Generate a list of YouTube channels, along with their URLs, for my company’s competitors.

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Find YouTube Channels Relevant to Your Audience to Target

Act as a Google Ads Specialist with 20 years of experience. My client is an experienced photographer in Phoenix, AZ. He would like to run YouTube ads to generate awareness for his website: Give me a list of relevant and popular YouTube channels for targeting and include the channel URLs.

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Generate Creative YouTube Video Ad Ideas

Act as a Google Ads Specialist with 20 years of experience. My client sells a product called “They’re Tied”. It’s a device that can convert any pair of shoes into shoes that magically tie themselves. Generate 10 creative YouTube video ad ideas for a new YouTube campaign.

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