
Outline for an Industry News Update

Create an outline for an article that provides an update on the latest news in a specific industry. Include an introduction, key news points, implications, and a conclusion. News Update Title: [title] News Description: [description] Industry: [industry]

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Outline with Questions

Create an outline for an informative article where each section is framed as a question that the article will answer. Title: [title] Keywords: [keywords] Target Audience: [target_audience]

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Outline with Subheadings

Generate an outline with subheadings for a piece of content. Include an introduction, at least three main points, and a conclusion. Title: [title] Keywords: [keywords] Target Audience: [target_audience]

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Adapt Content for a Health-Conscious Audience

Modify the text to appeal to a health-conscious audience, emphasizing wellness, healthy choices, and scientific evidence. Original Text: [text]

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Adapt Content for Budget-Conscious Shoppers

Revise the text to resonate with budget-conscious shoppers, focusing on cost-effectiveness, value for money, and smart shopping tips. Original Text: [text]

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Add a Summary and Call to Action

Write a summary of the main points and include a call to action for the readers. Main Points: [main_points] Desired Action: [desired_action]

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Add Interactive Elements

Suggest questions or prompts to encourage reader interaction in the text. Topic: [topic] Interaction Goals: [interaction_goals]

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Add Questions and Answers

Insert relevant questions that the target audience might have and provide comprehensive answers. Audience Questions: [audience_questions]

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Add Supporting Facts

Introduce relevant supporting facts or data to strengthen the main argument of the text. Main Argument: [main_argument] Supporting Information Provided: [supporting_information]

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