
Adapt a Real Estate Listing

Translate the following real estate listing into [target_language] and adjust the description to appeal to the local market’s preferences and standards. Real Estate Listing: [listing]

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Convert to a Comparison Format

Rephrase the text to compare and contrast two or more items, ideas, or concepts, highlighting key differences and similarities. Text: [text]

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Localize a Mobile App Onboarding Text

Translate the onboarding text for a mobile app into [target_language] and ensure that the instructions and welcome messages are clear and culturally relevant for new users in the target region. Onboarding Text: [text]

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Adapt a Science Article for Local Education

Translate a science article into [target_language] and adjust the content to support the curriculum and scientific understanding prevalent in the target region’s educational system. Science Article: [article]

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Convert to an FAQ Section

Turn the text into a series of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) and answers, ensuring clarity and helpfulness. Text: [text]

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Localize a Music Album Review

Translate a music album review into [target_language] and adapt it to resonate with the local music scene, including comparable genres and artists familiar to the target audience. Music Album Review: [review]

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Adapt an Idiom or Proverb

Translate the following idiom or proverb into [target_language] and provide a culturally equivalent phrase that conveys the same meaning. Idiom or Proverb: [phrase]

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Craft as a Dialogue for a Play or Script

Convert the text into dialogue suitable for a play or script, ensuring that it reflects character voices and stage directions. Text: [text]

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Localize a Pet Care Article

Translate a pet care article into [target_language] and adapt it to include advice that is relevant to pet owners in the target region, considering local animal breeds and care standards. Pet Care Article: [article]

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