
Suggest Content Types Based on Keyword Clusters

For each cluster of keywords provided, suggest the most appropriate type of content (e.g., blog post, infographic, video). Keyword clusters: [keyword_clusters]

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Suggest Seasonal Keyword Groupings

Suggest groupings for the provided keywords based on their seasonal relevance or search trends. Keywords: [keywords]

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Create a Keyword-to-Content Roadmap

Develop a roadmap that matches keyword clusters to future content pieces over a timeline. Keyword clusters: [keyword_clusters] Timeline: [timeline]

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Analyze Keyword Overlap for Multiple Products

Analyze the provided keywords and identify overlaps that could be targeted for multiple products in a single campaign. Product keywords: [product_keywords]

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Assemble Keywords for Influencer Collaboration Topics

Assemble keywords into clusters that could be used to guide influencer collaboration and content topics. Keywords: [keywords] Influencers: [influencers]

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Assemble Keywords for Podcast Episode Themes

Assemble the provided keywords into thematic clusters that could guide the creation of podcast episodes. Keywords: [keywords]

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Categorize Keywords by User Intent

Categorize the following keywords into groups based on the user intent they represent (e.g., informational, navigational, transactional, commercial investigation). Keywords: [keywords]

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Categorize Keywords for Tool and Resource Recommendations

Categorize the provided keywords into groups that will be used to recommend tools and resources in content pieces. Keywords: [keywords]

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Classify Keywords for Webinar Topics

Classify the provided keywords into topic clusters that could be used to plan and structure webinars. Keywords: [keywords]

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