
Create Original Examples

Generate original examples to illustrate the points made in the provided text, ensuring they are distinct from any examples in the source material. Provided Text: [provided_text] Source Material Examples: [source_material_examples]

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Generate Original Insights from a Comparison

Generate original insights by comparing the provided source material with another concept or work, without directly copying any content. Source Material: [source_material] Comparison Concept/Work: [comparison_concept_work] Insights: [insights]

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Cross-Check for Plagiarism

Cross-check the provided text against the key points from the source material to ensure the essence is captured without directly copying. Source Material Key Points: [source_material_key_points] Provided Text: [provided_text]

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Incorporate a Quotation

Incorporate the provided quotation into a new text, ensuring it is properly introduced and cited to avoid plagiarism. Quotation: [quotation] New Text Context: [new_text_context] Citation Style: [apa/mla/chicago]

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Design a Content Remix

Design a ‘content remix’ by combining elements from the provided text with new ideas or information, resulting in an original piece. Provided Text: [provided_text] New Ideas or Information: [new_ideas_information]

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Innovate on a Concept

Take the central concept from the provided source material and innovate on it, creating a new concept that is clearly distinct. Central Concept: [central_concept] Source Material: [source_material]

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Design a Unique Infographic Text

Write the text for an infographic that presents the information from the provided source material in a new and engaging way. Source Material: [source_material] Infographic Topic: [infographic_topic]

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Interpret Data in a New Way

Interpret the data or statistics from the provided source material in a new and original way to create unique content. Source Material Data: [source_material_data] New Interpretation: [new_interpretation]

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Develop a Personal Anecdote Related to the Topic

Share a personal anecdote that relates to the topic of the provided source material, ensuring it offers a unique perspective. Source Material Topic: [source_material_topic] Personal Anecdote: [personal_anecdote]

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