
Write Welcome Email

Write the body copy for a welcome email campaign and urge users to use this product [insert_product] in CTA. The core benefit is that it’s affordable and has a short learning curve. Then tone is fun, fresh and playful. Keep it around 200 characters, no more than 230 characters. Include emojis.

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Create Retargeting email for eCommerce Store

Create the structure of a retargeting email for users who haven’t made a purchase from our eCommerce store in last 30 days.

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Automation Workflow for Summer Sales

Create an automation workflow example for a [insert_event] email marketing campaign that will be sent to my list two days after the sales announcement email. It will be targeting users from the [insert_region]. The sequence should be no more than 3 emails.

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Develop a Stakeholder Communication Plan

Develop a stakeholder communication plan for our [insert project name and details here]. Outline the key stakeholders, communication objectives, channels, and frequency of updates.

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Create GDPR requirements for a small business

Act like a data privacy specialist. Summarize the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) requirements for a small business. Then, come up with a detailed plan and comprehensive privacy policy for a small business to follow to remain compliant.

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Create Fitness plan Strength Training

Act as a world-class personal trainer. Devise a promising but realistic fitness plan for me that utilizes strength training as well as nutritional health. I will provide you with information about my lifestyle, current health status and my fitness goals. As an expert, your plan should be using scientific knowledge to recommend the exercises I should be doing and the food I should be consuming. For now, I want to lose weight while building muscle.

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Create an Advertising Campaign

Create an advertising campaign about [company, product, or service] targeting [target audience]. Include key messages and slogans and choose the best media channels for promotions.

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Identify potential career obstacles using ChatGPT

Could you outline the common pitfalls individuals encounter while pursuing their dream job of [Insert desired career here]? Please provide a comprehensive, step-by-step guide to help circumvent these mistakes, complete with a detailed career roadmap that includes approximate durations for each stage. Additionally, could you recommend the most effective learning resources available for this career path?

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Structure a Subplot for Novel

Help me structure a subplot for my novel. The main story is about [give the main plot of your novel], but I want to introduce a subplot involving [specify characters or themes, e.g., ‘the protagonist’s estranged sibling’, ‘a mysterious artifact’]. This subplot should touch on themes like [mention themes you want to explore, e.g., ‘redemption’, ‘forbidden love’].

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