
Map Keywords to Content Funnel Stages

Map each keyword to the appropriate stage of the content marketing funnel (Awareness, Consideration, Conversion). Keywords: [keywords]

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Optimize Keyword Groups for Long-Tail Opportunities

Identify long-tail keyword opportunities within the provided list and group them accordingly. Keywords: [keywords]

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Organize Keywords for Content Series Themes

Organize the provided keywords into thematic clusters that could serve as the basis for a series of related content pieces. Keywords: [keywords]

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Organize Keywords for E-Book Chapters

Group the provided keywords into clusters that could serve as chapters or sections in an e-book. Keywords: [keywords]

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Organize Keywords for How-To Guides

Create clusters of keywords that can be used to develop comprehensive how-to guides on various topics. Keywords: [keywords]

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Organize Keywords for Multilingual Content Strategy

Organize the provided keywords into language-specific clusters for a multilingual content strategy. Keywords: [keywords] Languages: [languages]

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Prioritize Keywords for SEO Campaign

Prioritize the following keywords for an SEO campaign based on their potential impact and relevance to the business. Keywords: [keywords]

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Segment Keywords for Email Marketing Campaigns

Segment the provided keywords into groups that would resonate with different segments of an email list. Keywords: [keywords] Email list segments: [list_segments]

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Segment Keywords for Targeting Different Buyer Stages

Segment the provided keywords into groups that target different stages of the buyer’s journey (e.g., awareness, consideration, decision). Keywords: [keywords]

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