
Suggest Questions for Audience Engagement

Based on the main topic, suggest 5 questions that could be used to engage the audience on social media platforms. Main Topic: [main_topic] Target Audience: [target_audience]

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Suggest Topics for a Content Partnership

Identify 3 potential non-competitive brands for a content partnership and suggest a collaborative content topic for each. Industry: [industry] Target Audience: [target_audience]

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Suggest Topics for a Podcast Series

Based on the industry and target audience, suggest 5 engaging topics for a podcast series. Industry: [industry] Target Audience: [target_audience]

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Suggest Video Content Topics

Generate 5 video content topics that would be engaging and valuable to the target audience on a video-sharing platform. Industry: [industry] Target Audience: [target_audience]

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Generate a Content Outline

Create a detailed outline for a blog post or article based on the provided title and keywords. Title: [title] Keywords: [keywords]

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Offer a Comparative Book Review

Compare and contrast two or more books that cover the topic, highlighting their key takeaways. Topic: [topic] Books for Review: [books] Key Takeaways to Highlight: [takeaways]

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Outline for a ‘Before and After’ Transformation Story

Generate an outline for a story that showcases a before and after transformation. Include an introduction, the starting point, the change process, the end result, and a conclusion with key takeaways. Transformation Story Title: [title] Summary: [summary]

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Outline for a ‘Beginner’s Guide’ Article

Craft an outline for a comprehensive beginner’s guide on a specific subject. Include an introduction, basic concepts, step-by-step instructions or tips, common pitfalls, and a conclusion with further learning resources. Beginner’s Guide Title: [title] Keywords: [keywords] Subject: [subject] Target Audience: [target_audience]

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Outline for a ‘Behind the Scenes’ Post

Craft an outline for a ‘Behind the Scenes’ post that gives an insider look at a process, event, or production. Include an introduction, key stages or aspects, personal insights, and a conclusion. Behind the Scenes Title: [title] Description: [description] Focus: [focus]

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