
Adapt Text for a Question and Answer Format

Reformat the text into a Q&A style, with clear questions followed by concise answers. Text: [text]

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Adapt Text for an Email Campaign

Tailor the text to fit the format of an email campaign, making it concise and compelling with a clear call-to-action. Text: [text]

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Adjust Humor for Local Audience

Rewrite the following jokes or humorous content to be appropriate and funny for the [target_country] audience, considering local humor styles. Humorous Content: [content]

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Cluster Keywords for Membership or Subscription Content

Group keywords that are tailored for exclusive content aimed at members or subscribers of a service. Keywords: [keywords] Membership/Subscription service: [service]

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Condense Text into an Executive Summary

Create a brief executive summary that encapsulates the key points of the text. Text: [text]

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Convert a List into a Paragraph

Transform the provided list into a well-structured paragraph. List: [list]

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Convert First-Person to Third-Person

Change the perspective in the text from first-person to third-person narrative. Text: [text]

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Convert to a Comparison Format

Rephrase the text to compare and contrast two or more items, ideas, or concepts, highlighting key differences and similarities. Text: [text]

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Convert to an FAQ Section

Turn the text into a series of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) and answers, ensuring clarity and helpfulness. Text: [text]

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